This page is for participants from universities in Kyoto that are part of the Healthy Campus Kyoto network.
Please register your all steps by 23:59 on December 1st.
Amazon gift card 5,000 Yen to 3 people
1ヶ月間の1人あたりの1日の平均歩数が8,000歩を越えた個人参加者、グループでの1日の平均歩数が8,000歩を越えたグループの参加メンバーには、栄誉ある“Kyoto Walker” の称号が贈られ、その中から抽選で豪華賞品をプレゼントします。
【Prize Drawing】
Individual participants who averaged 8,000 steps per day per person over a one-month period and members of a team that averaged 8,000 steps per day will be given the prestigious title “Kyoto Walker”. Lottery prize winners will be selected from these individuals.The winner of the prize will be announced at the “Healthy Campus Forum 2021” to be held at Ritsumeikan University on December 5.
※ For participation in the lottery for prizes, submission of a picture which shows your step count is also required.
【Announcement of Lottery Winners and Receipt of Prizes】
〇 Individual Participants
Winners will be sent the winner notification via their registered email address. Information on how to receive the prize will be provided at that time.
〇 Team Participants
Both winners and team leaders will be notified via their registered email address. Information on how to receive the prize will be provided at that time.
How do I become eligible for the prize draw?
Participants who register for this event and meet the following requirements on the last day of the event will be eligible for the prize draw.
・Individual participant : The person who takes more than 8,000 steps per day on average during the event period.
・Group participation: those who have a daily average of 8,000 steps or more in a group you belong to.
How are the prizes drawn from the eligible participants?
① 抽選対象となった参加者のうち、「ヘルシーキャンパスフォーラム・健康フォーラム2020」へ参加された方に対し、
賞品欄で提示している 「ヘルシーキャンパスフォーラム・健康フォーラム2020」への参加者対象の賞品の抽選を行います。
※グループ参加の場合であっても、賞品の抽選は個人単位で行います (グループメンバーのうち一人が当選した場合、その当選者のみに商品が授与されます。他のメンバーには授与されません)
1. For those who participated in the “Healthy Campus Forum / Health Forum 2020” among the participants who are eligible for the drawing,
We will draw prizes for participants in the “Healthy Campus Forum / Health Forum 2020” presented in the prize column.
2. We will randomly draw from those who are eligible for the drawing
(those who take more than 8,000 steps per day on average as an individual or a group).
* The drawing will not take into account your step count or university affiliation.
** The drawing for prizes will be done individually even if you participate in a group.
(If one member of a group is selected as the prize winner, the prize will be given to the winner of the group only, not to any other members of the group.)
Will the number of winners be divided on average by universities?
No, we will randomly select a winner from the entire eligible participants of the drawing (without considering the university). Therefore, the winners may be skewed depending on the university.
How do I receive the prize?
〇Individual participants
The winner will be notified by email. Information on how to receive the prize will be provided at that time.
〇Group participants
The winner and the leader of the group will be notified of the prize by email. Information on how to receive the prize will be provided at that time.
If I win a prize by a group participation, will all members of the group get a prize?
いいえ、当選した方のみです。抽選はグループ単位ではなく個人単位で実施されますので、グループ参加の場合であっても全員に賞品が授与されるわけではありません 。
No, the winner only. Drawing will be conducted individually, not by group, so even if you participate as a group, not all of your group members will be given a prize.